29 January 2013

2 Meet Mr. Pug & Mr. Fox

Lovely readers! 
I wanted to give you a short update about what's going on in my life right now after I moved home from Copenhagen.. I started working for a cool designer Jet Korine in the heart of Reykjavík. 
I have gone few times to IKEA,  rearranged my room, painted some old chairs and tried to make some space for a home studio. I really want to start working on something excited on my own.
The first thing I have been making is these cute bow ties for boys, made of cotton and silk. 
I will only make few of this type, so if anyone is interested just send me an email: 

Mr. Pug - gray bow tie: wool mixture   /   Mr. Fox - navy/dark blue bow tie: 50% wool and 50% silk price: 3500 isl.kr.
photo: overonecoffee

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Eva Dögg said...

Very nice! Fallegar slaufur og umbúðir.

Hvað kosta slaufurnar?

Björg said...

Takk kærlega!

Ég er að selja þær á 3500kr. Endilega sendu mér línu á bjorggunnars at gmail.com ef þú hefur áhuga ;)