23 November 2011

4 Your own personal snow globe

It's time to get creative!

All you need is a jar, something fun to put inside it, hot glue (glue-gun), ultra fine glitter and glycerin.

Direction comes in five steps.

1) Hot glue whatever you wish to the lid of a "Lock-Up" storage jar - plastic animals for example. 
2) Add 1 teaspoon of Ultra Fine Glitter and 1 Teaspoon of Glycerin. Glycerin keeps the glitter from falling too quickly.
3) Fill the jar to the top with warm water, while stirring to combine the glitter, water and glycerin. 
4) Screw the lid onto the jar as tightly as you can.
5) Gently shake the Globe to be sure all the glycerin has mixed. 

Voila! A Snow globe is born.

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Ingunn Sigríður said...

En fínt!

Anonymous said...

Já skemmtilegt og góð hugmynd að persónulegri jólagjöf.


Anonymous said...

Snilldar hugmynd og fallegt!

Stella said...

HVar fæst glýserín? Svo ótrúlega fallegt!!